Thursday, August 11, 2011

I want to know what you out there think about what I am going to write, do I like him as a crush, or more?

I think about him 24/7. When I am in say in a embly at school, hes the first person I look for. When I saw him at the corner store once, my legs went numb, and I felt like I was going to faint but in a good way you know? If hes not at school wonder where he is and if hes okay. Whenever its recess/lunch I know where he is outside. When I hear his name I get a feeling in the pit of my stomic. I actually WANT there to be school, and I don't want summer to come because I won't be able to see him everyday. I feel like I could listen to him talk forever. (Hes not in my cl.) When I am doing say math, I wonder what subject hes doing. And everyday I see him, it makes me happy inside.

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