Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Pulling" troops out of Iraq?

Well the Department of Defense, (DoD), uses all kinds of planners and plans. They have people working on everything from a good way to bomb Candida to sending nuclear bombs to Russia, to invading Iran. I mean they have people coming up with strategies and ideas for every possible and conceivable plan of war or attack. This is one reason the DoD's budget is so large. This is good, that way if for any reason we would ever need to go on the defensive or offensive, there is a plan in place. So yeah I am willing to bet we have a plan to invade Iran, and also Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, and a whole host of other nations. This is how one way we keep nasty little surprises from popping up and us not having a plan to react to it. This was probably leaked in order to show Iran that we mean business. That we want a peaceful settlement to the nuclear issue we are having with them now and that if it can not be reached by diplomatic means that it maybe done so through other much less diplomatic means. So I would not let yourself worry to much about the idea that we have a plan for invading Iran. The DoD is suppose to plan for every possibility that could come along no matter how small or how large, it is their job to protect and keep America and our interests safe.

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