Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rate my Fantasy Football Team?

Your team is a solid 7. You have a very strong RB core which is key to a great season. However, after that you need good QB's and Schaub and Big Ben don't really cut it. Schaub is on a bad team and often racks up a huge number of INT's. He is good for high yardage games and definitely should be your starter over Ben. This is simply because Big Ben is a winner and not a stat QB which is bad for fantasy. He is basically the polar opposite of Schaub. Ben just won the Super Bowl and Schaub missed the playoffs but as far as fantasy is concerned, he is far superior to Ben. Aside from that you have a solid core of receivers and Gates at TE is always a good supplement to your receivers. Also, you have the Bears D. who is a perennial powerhouse. My biggest problem with your team is a weak bench. Not one player on our bench has much value. My tip to you is to watch early in the season for those surprises and add them to your team immediately. Often people hesitate on players because lack of Bench room. You have more than enough room because you should have know problem getting rid of Walter, McCoy (though you'll have to watch the Westbrook situation) and Heyward-Bey who just has nothing going for him with Jamarcus Russell being his QB. Good Luck.

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