Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Be Honest,did you think something's wrong at Manchester United......?

ofcousre united will not win the leauge this year. they sold the best player in the world and never replaced him. valencia is gud but not even in the same universe as ronaldo. how can u be a better team wen u do that? if chelsea lost drogba or lampard or liverpool lost gerrard or torres or arsenal lost van persie or fabregas and never brought in a gud enuff replacement the same wud happen agen, it happens, itz not rocket science. yes ronnie was one player, but he played like a one man team at times and that has 2 be missed. united will not win major honours now he has gone i tell u now. rooney has had 2 step up the gear which he has done so far, but berbatov may have 2 do alot more this time round and hez a little unpredictable. fergie shud of clearly gun wiv tevez over berbz but thatz anuva matter. if fergie has lost the plot it shud be becus he made that bad decision. selling ronnie was one thing, then selling tevez was just stupidity!!!

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