Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to get rid of a crush?

Alright, im a 14 male white/caucasian. I am a bit chunky (175 lb's and i am 5'9"), and there this girl I know called (lets just call her jess). me and this girl are really close friends, we hug alot, talk about almost anything. So after much encouragement I asked her out. She said "No im sorry" okay whatever. I wasn't heart broken. but me and her are still really good friends like that. I have met other girls and this one girl asked me out but I am just not attracted to them. Jess is so beautiful and so awesome and outgoing. These other girls are just , not her. I feel like I cant like anyone else now. I cant get her out of my mind. I know we won't happen so I am willing to give up any chance of me and her going out. I just need to get her off my mind. Thanks for any help, I know (young love) but please try to help me.

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