Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do I change the quantity of an item in Quickbooks...?

Without it counting as a loss? To clarify - When I was entering inventory while setting up my quickbooks, I did it by "receiving" different orders. Each item I received, opened a new box to enter and it gave me an option of how many I had received. I entered the correct number. Then, when the box closed, everything but the quantity on the previous form was transferred over. I thought that it was an error, so I then went back and entered the quantity in each box, thus causing my quantities to double. Now instead of 27 of each item, quickbooks thinks I have 54. When I go to change the quantity, it seems that it is counting it as a loss, and not just an edit. I don't want to mess up my financial records, because of a silly typo/error on my part. Please help me! Thanks! :)

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