Friday, August 12, 2011

How can I grow from this experience?

basically I have been in mental health for the past so many years and I have maid some progress but in the past 2 years I have moved 12 times and have matured greatly and improved a lot and it didn't dawn on me why though until tonight. basically one of my problems has been getting stuff done and getting enough exercise. for the pasty week I have been tired and not getting good rst. till it dawns on me the reason I am so tired is because I am not getting tired enough from exercise to sleep. a little while latter i realized If I wasn't sleeping at odd hours I would get more done. now I am super motivated to go do work and if you ask any of my friends that doesn't sound like me. I think I know why this motivation has come about. I felt and related the effects of my bad habits and now I am motivated to change them. this is evident cause most my life I couldn't fell the effects of my negative habits on myself/ so this creates a paradox for me.. what to do from here. I want to be more motivated than I am now but I don' want to put myself through more strife to do so. so any advise.

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