Sunday, August 14, 2011

Does it worth to talk to the people and defend myself or just to let it go?

I was in a very emotional abusive relationship with a man who is a good emotional manipulator.I helped him to move from the town he lived to where I live, found him a job where I used to work, gave him accommodation, my car ect.His house is going to be repossessed and he is in a huge debts. He asked me to make a bank account together but I refused. One day I back from work and found out that he took his stuff and moved somewhere. Tow hours later he started begging me to get him back but he asked me to make compromises and change for him. I did not get him back and told him its over. Since then he did not stop haring me in a different ways. He sent me a police with a false allegation.He is talking to my friends and ex colleagues bad things about me and manipulate them so well to the point now they dint talk to me. He blames me that I am guilty for him losing everything and we have been together only 3 months. I dint know how I must behave with my ex colleagues when I meet them. Should I talk to them or just to let it go.

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