Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Best friend/ crush betrayal?

I am a 14 year old female. My best friend who I will call Jane (not her real name) back stabbed me. It started with Bob (not the real name of the guy i like either). Bob and Jane were both my friends. Jane hatted Bob until one day where they magically became friends (i still don't know how). Bob started hanging out with us. I was happy until one day where Bob started hitting on Jane, almost even kissing one time. I didn't like it so I told Jane. She told Bob and Bob got all mad saying that I control his life??? Then when I tell Jane, in confidence she wont say anything, that Bob said that said that I was "controlling" his life she almost told him that my friend said that to me. Now we are in a fight because she wants to tell him that and shes says to my friend "Hes my friend, I can talk to him whenever i want." Even if it means hurting me. Is Jane good friends? Was I wrong to be upset when Bob was all over Jane? Is there anything i can do? Please help!!! :-\

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